
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Auto Cross (Solo Racing)

Day one,  Early start got to Alterra at 7:00 and Kelly's Bleachers by 7:30.   After a lengthy wait and sign in, we started the class.  More of an overview than a class.  Still very valuable.

Had lunch and headed to Miller Park.  They had two 30 second courses set up.  I was paired up with an instructor, Bart and Todd another driver.   Bart and Todd both drove WRX STi's so I have e feeling that's why we were matched up.

First few time through the course I felt like I was going fast.  35 seconds for my first few runs.  Bart then drove my car and posted 30.1.   Wow, I now understand what my car could do,  I was just a bit too tenative.

My next run was 32 seconds, then 31.5 then 31.2.  The last run of the day on the east course I turned in a 30.448!  Only 4/10ths of a second slower than a driver who has been doing this for over 10 years.  Bart actually said my sloloms were some of the best he's seen for a newbie.  One second better than Todd too.

Now time to tend the course.   Basically, grab a spot and put cones up when knocked over or flag drivers when some other driver has slowed or spun out.  Cars run about every 10 seconds so not much time for errors.  It was cold and of course the coldest they have run, that they could remember. Of course.

When that was over, got to hit the west course.  Of course it started getting a bit wet.  Feeling a bit more confident I pull two 31's right off the bat.  Bart's turn.  Puts in a 28.7.  Ok I know what needs to be done.
A few more pulls I get it down to 29.3.  That's the best I could do.  Next run I got loose and brought back, the run after that I got loose and did not get it back, slid 90 degrees one way and then 390 degrees the other.  Can't say I have ever spun a car like that on pavement, without snow.  First it was a slight panic, then a few choice words as I spin.  Then a big grin.  Bart said it was good to do.  It means that I am pushing the edge of grip.  He also mentioned I was money on my lines and sweepers.  Feeling pretty good I parked the car and took the course again for the second group.

That's when the drizzle turned to snow, no more like ice needles, then snow.  One hour of tending codes and my jeans and shoes were soaked.  Glad I had my ski shell and gloves.  It was pretty miserable.  4:00 came and the last runs were over. Had some further instruction, got to my car  headed home.

Tomorrow I get to do it again.  Without the snow.  I hope!

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