
Monday, February 8, 2021

Weekly Update 2/1-2/7/21

 Welcome to February!

House updates. We had our pre drywall walk through at the house this week. We review all the things that we have ask for any updates or last minute changes and then sign off. That was Wednesday. Then they did the insulation and delivered drywall.  If all goes well that will be in next week. We are also thinking the stucco will be put on. Once that is completed then they will paint and then the rook goes on. They don't roof until after paint because the spray the paint. 

The house next door is painted, roofed, drywalled, textured and they even started doing trim and doors. We are a only about 2 weeks behind them, so that is exciting. We are still shooting for the end of March to close. Fingers crossed.

Went for another night bike ride. Short but intense. Didn't crash so that's a plus! Took a ride to Oracle on the motorcycle, interesting to see the mountains form the other side. Finally we were invited to a Super bowl party. One of the guys I ride with invited us over for an outside, socially distanced mask wearing affair.  Game as kinda boring but the food was really good. Tri Tip, Carne Asada, Chicken fresh tortillas and more. Look at us making friends! 

Also saw our first snake on the walk with the dogs. Baby rattlesnake.

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