
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Karma, anyone believe in it?    Of the few things I believe, this is one that just might hold water.   That and some people are just luckier than others and there is nothing you can cosmically do to change that.

One example I just had last week made me think about this a bit more than the normal 2 seconds I focus on.  After a baseball game in Sheboygan Falls we went to the Pizza Ranch, some all you can eat shakeys style buffet.  Remember Shakeys?  On a side note Shakey's could be one of the worse names for a restaurant.   The food is shakey, the owner is shakey, the chef literally has the shakes, my stomach is shakey for hours after eating there....

But I digress.  We walk in and look at the server/cashier.  "I ask, we have never been here, how does this work?"  She explains everything and oh by the way the first time at the Pizza Ranch is on the house.   WHaaaa?  As in gratis?  Yep.  Am I being punked?  Nope.  We eat our fill and realize we just had $30.00 of food for nothing.  Shocked as this is not the type of thing that happens to me.  

Leaving the restaurant, there are a few people in the lot going to their cars, just like us.  One guy however is untangling jumper cables.    He starts asking for a jump.   I really don't like doing this anytime and I had my new car.  I got to thinking, return the restaurants generosity to this guy.  So I am the only one of 5 people that even acknowledges him.

I pull my car over, open the gleaming hood and am nearly blinded by the detailed engine bay :)

Hook up to his mint green explorer, and in about 2 minutes it starts.  He was thankful, I felt good and we went home. 

Maybe that will come back some day when I can really use it, like the guy I helped.

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