Talked to Bob on softball night. Since our team is just horrible this year, it's really hard to pay attention. We talked about going back on the Milwaukee river for a third section.
Before Tracy would go with us, she had to get out on the water to get her sea legs. So we headed over to Ehrler Lake for a Friday evening paddle.
The weather was great, I let Tracy go around the lake. She did not need to hear me talk to her or tell her what to do. I did a little fishing. Caught this huge blue gill before the fish tore up my twister tail and I was done. We headed over to the take out and Tracy leaped out onto the pier like a pro. I tried to do that with her boat still somewhat there. Yea - started pulling up and the boat started drifting away. I went in and rolled it. Yep full roll and dunk. Laughed my ass off and dragged the boat out of the water. Put the boats on the car and got out of as much of my sopping wet clothes and went home.
Saturday came and we all went and dropped the boats off at the Waubedonia launch. after a bit of car shuttling We headed out. The water was much higher than it was two weeks ago (we launched at the same place we ended last trip) so it was an easy launch off the grass.
The weather was great as we headed down the river. Not sure if it was the high water or not but the current was pretty swift and there were some nice and fun riffly, dare I say rapids sections. We were cruising along and then we heard some thunder. Over our shoulder, behind us there were some ominous clouds. We had about 3 miles to go. We tried to put a some distance between the clouds and us. Not gonna happen. It started raining and nothing we could do about it. There was no lightning so we kept at it. Near the end there is a 1 1/2 foot drop that was real fun and wavy. The anticipation of rougher water is the best part. First you might hear it, then you see it 100 yards away. You do your best scouting in boat and go for it. The adrenaline starts going and then its over.
We went under the Highway 33 bridge and had to turn in real quick to the take out. Another 7 plus miles under the belt and over 30 miles on the Milwaukee river. Maybe we can get all the way to lake Michigan by years end. There is that issue of the house not getting painted.
The piling on this unused railroad bride had a date of 1902!