
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Can't get my head in the game this week. Plenty of work to be done, have absolutely no will to do it. Been a very impulsive week. Do this, no wait do that, no wait, something else. It's no wonder I can't finish anything.

Made some Walleye last night. Everyone liked it, I though meh. Probably because I cooked it and was sick of looking at it. Tonight I try some Gumbo, real Gumbo with a roux and everything.

Probably end up the same, good to some, meh to me. Can I tell you I can't wait for February to end. It has to be one of the crappiest of all months. Not quite winter, not quite spring. Hell I think that's why it's only 28 days. They thought ahead and said yea, just make February shorter, no one will mind.

1 comment:

  1. I hate March for that same reason! Ugly! Get over the winter and on with the spring!
