Another week in the books and as of 12/20 we have been in the Casita for 50 days. Not that we are counting.
Last Sunday we visited the house and they had started the framing. We are very excited to see real progress. It feel much more tangible.
Which then brings us to the "Design Center". Where we pick out all the electrical, finishes, countertops cabinets, carpeting, name it. We finally had our appointment on Friday. Started at 9 AM and ended at 4:45 PM with an hour for lunch. Mentally exhausting. We ended up with a complete departure from the old house with all the wood and oak trim.
Another fun thing Mackenzie and I did this week was view the Geminids meteor shower. Sunday night we drove to the Alta Loma trail head and hiked 2 miles in on the Hope Camp trail to a small hilltop. Much of the area is designated dark sky in the Tucson area but, this just helped get any city glare to be gone. The additional benefit was it was a new moon so the sky would never be darker. We sat and watched the show of quite some time. Into Monday morning. We did not get home until almost 2:00 AM. Nothing like hiking in the dark in a national park at 1 in the morning. It also made for a very tired workday. But it was worth the time with my daughter. I took a ton of pictures but have not had time to put them all together like I want. Here is some fun we had with some light painting.
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