
Monday, June 23, 2008

Let's see the weekend was pretty busy.

Megan had her baby Sunday. Saturday Emma had a 50th birthday party at Bagg End. Played vollyball, I hurt today. I had nothing to drink while there and still played volleyball.
I finished the civics hub project
cooked a chicken on the grill, beer can style.
I started the car stereo project, that was started, not finished. I really took my time. Almost too lazy about it.
It rained HARD on Sunday. The garden is looking pretty good, actually have tomatoes on the vine (ok they are small, but they are there). Scapes are growing on the garlic (good sign). I did not however keg the beer as intended. If I can get my work done today and get the car back together before the baseball game I might keg it. I wonder if I even have CO2....

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