
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Well this is a strange one. Here it is 11:00 at night and cannot sleep, been laying in bed for some time and my mind is just all over the place. A far cry from the the 12 seconds it takes me to fall asleep normally.

So I got up. Xbox is in the shop, so no games to play, really don't want to start a movie in case I do fall asleep and well late nite TV is pretty bad. So I thought I would do some work and before that just hit the blog.

I finished a book. Brisinger, the 3rd book of the Eragon series. Swords and Sorcery kinda stuff. This was to be the last in the Trilogy, but the author apologized and said it would take four books to finish the story. What's he got to be sorry about? Taking my $$ LOL.

Was going to pick up the Joseph Bonanno autobiography Glen bought me got for a gift. Problem is they type in this book is tiny and there are almost no margins. It may be a good read but it will give me headaches. I will just to smaller bursts of reading to get that one in.

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